Karelian Forests
The series of Karelian landscapes consisting of 28 paintings formed the core of Elmar Kits’s exhibition held at the Tartu Art Museum in 1956, which generated a very positive response and after which Kits was among other things ascribed the honorary title of Artist of Merit.
Kits was in Karelia together with Richard Sagrits for a relatively short time in September and October of 1955. They started out from Petrosadovski, stopped for a short time in kolkhoz (collective farm) villages on the northern shore of Lake Äänisjärv, then moved onward inland into the area of the Suna River and the regional centre of Spasskaya Guba, and finally they went by ship to the town of Kemi on the shores of the White Sea.
Karelian Forests is one of the best-known works of the series and has repeatedly been reproduced and mentioned in literature.