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21.02.–30.04.2008 A Couple of Steps along the Travelling Road. A Selection of Works from Enn Kunila’s Collection

The exhibition A Couple of Steps along the Travelling Road. A Selection of Paintings from Enn Kunila’s Collection was held at Hiiumaa Museum’s Long House on 21 February –30 April 2008.

The title of the exhibition and the art catalogue that accompanied it, A Couple of Steps along the Wayfaring Road, was borrowed from Friedrich Reinhold Kreutzwald’s story of the same name that was published in 1853. The exhibition’s theme work was Ants Laikmaa’s portrait painting of F. R. Kreutzwald, which is also known under the title Kaugelt näen kodu kasvamas [From a Distance I See Home Growing]. This is a noteworthy work of that great man, in whom we see first and foremost a representative of the Estonian spirit, even though his work in putting together the national epic was done in the century before last and he himself did not even see the independent state of Estonia. F. R. Kreutzwald was a great man who took important steps along the road that led to growth in the self-awareness of the Estonian people and the birth of their own independent state when the opportunity for it emerged.

A selection of paintings (for instance Ants Laikmaa’s Selma and Torgu Madis [Madis from Torgu], Paul Raud’s Pargitee [Park Pathway], Konrad Mägi’s Maastik roosade põldudega [Landscape with Pink Fields], Adamson-Eric’s Sügismotiiv [Autumn Motif], and many others) was brought together to the exhibition around F. R. Kreutzwald’s portrait. Alongside people from the start of the last century and scenes of Estonian nature, they also opened up meanings that the artists ascribed to the landscape or portrait. These were works of art that clearly speak of the love of one’s homeland and of faith in the perseverance of the Estonian people. A total of 12 paintings were on display at the exhibition.

The exhibition was dedicated to the 90th birthday of the Republic of Estonia.

The exhibition’s curator was Liis Pählapuu, its designer was Tiit Jürna.