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Aleksander Vardi (1901–1983)

Aleksander Vardi, one of the first students at the Pallas Art School, had a creative career by 1946 that had lasted for over 20 years already and he had gone through several changes in his style. He had attracted widespread attention. Critics related positively to him and called Vardi both a poet and a romantic. A change took place in the 1940’s however: Vardi’s colouring became more threatening and he himself withdrew from artistic life. It has been speculated that the reason for this was that he had worked intensively on a major solo exhibition, which was supposed to be held in 1944. Yet a fire that destroyed Vardi’s studio together with the paintings in it scuttled that plan. This was a moral blow to him in addition to the destruction of a large portion of his works from the 1940’s.