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06.11.–27.11.2007 Yearning and Arrival. Haus Gallery

The exhibition Yearning and Arrival. Works from Enn Kunila’s Collection was held at the Haus Gallery in Tallinn on 6–27 November 2007. A selection of works by Estonian artists depicting motifs of travel and of their Estonian homeland was on display. Ants Laikmaa, Konrad Mägi, Richard Uutmaa, Ado Vabbe, Nikolai Triik, Johannes Võerahansu, Endel Kõks, Erik Haamer, Elmar Kits, Lepo Mikko and others were among the artists on display. This was an exhibition that could be viewed just a few weeks previously at the Hiiumaa Museum’s Long House. Works that had been completed in 1880–1960, a total of 34 paintings, were gathered together under the title Yearning and Arrival.

The exhibition’s curator was the art historian Liis Pählapuu, its designer was the painter Olev Subbi.